Crevices. Isabelle Catucci. Earth and metal doorknob, 0.70 x 1.84 x 0.45. Photo by the author, 2021.
The door denotes opening and transition between contained spaces. The metal doorknob and the earth surface contrast in rhythm, color and tension, between the compact and the brittle, the stable and the shifting.
The ruined door, in the incompleteness of form, question us on the meaning of death and impediment. Nevertheless, the fragmentation of the mass also suggests the possibility of resuming fate. The physical relation, in the size of the earth door, the knob and human scale as an object is an important component to complete the perception of this passage.
We are left with inaccurate questions when looking to the matter and the meanings culturally built about the sense of earth, whose extent does not ignore the utmost reason of existence.
Casually placed horizontally on the gray concrete floor, this passage is only hinted. The door, divided in three blocks, keeps its original form, in the center, the interference of the space of movement, independent from the observer’s point of view.
The only objectual clue, the doorknob, denotes considerations that oscillate between the reading of the material, in the ordinary and altered sense, in western worldviews, whose door lock hides secrets and interdictions. Where does this door lead to? Is it possible to go through after it is fragmented? How to go through? The earth, here, in its controlled and codified volume, still brings up questions about the inhabited space, property, control. But beyond the visual and material weight, the density of the work demands attention, it is not possible to ignore the volume that stands out from the ground in crevices.